Pelamin Khatam Al Quran white purple

Thank you to my dear friend, Rose Aida flo Aida’s Sweet Touch for the recommendation. Owh.. aida bake great bahulu and muffins for kenduri kahwin, as favours and for makan makan. This sweet pastel pelamin, with shades of white, purple and pink, decorated for majlis khatam al Quran..

calla lilies, roses and hydrangea..

roses, orchids and calla lilies..

the white flower ball

the purple flower balls

it was a sweet simple pelamin decor for a 15 year old girl. Alhamdulillah.




013 2002031

fathinmdnor at gmail dot com

Something special on 11.11.11 : Me, in Wanita Hari Ini..

This is so ad-hoc. Mirwan, the producer called me on tuesday morning, and confirmed with me on that evening. I was so like terkejut, takot, gelabah sumer ada. hehe. Nak buat gubahan sambil cakap cakap and live pulak tuh bukan lah senang kan. Mak nih neves sikit.

Alhamdulillah. everything went well. i had difficulties in finding the flowers as kebanyakan bunga yang colour cantek cantek dah booked. It was a short notice, so i did not book any flowers as usually i do for weddings. Lucky, my suppliers are very good that they give me good beautiful flowers yang dorang reserve. Note that there is no pink flowers. I sooo love pink. Plan nak buat kaler pink, tapi bunga pink semua orang buat kawen dah.. 😉

But Allah is great..! dapat bunga peony nih yang sangat besar dan cantik..! (and expensive)

Me, Teh Shuhada (my junior masa sekolah rendah) and Azizah Ariffin (my parenting geng selalu jumpe kat event parenting)

Shortbread beautifully shaped for the live show and crew. Note the one with heart shape. Love it. Sesuai as door gift. Can email me to order jugak..

My sister yang banyak membantu, Aishah and far right my best-eat-laught-cry-shop-friend, kak zai from Lunjur Spa and Saloon. Thank you for being there for me. Kak Ani from Delima Catering yang turut serta memberi tips dan semangat.. sedapnyee kek akak bawak..! The feedback was so overwhelming. I received lots of email and sms. Still trying to reply everyone.. So please bare with me ya. Kalau urgent, do call yer so that i can manage yours faster..

So beautiful peeps.. jangan lupe book for your pelamin, decor and hantaran now. Price may differ in 2012.. so cepat cepat dapatkan harga 2011 sekarang..




{ hantaran } special promotion for orders in November.

Salam loveliess..! Salam Aidiladha.. 😉 We’re having a great promotion for hantaran decorations, in the month of November. It’s only RM95 per dulang, including dulang rental, and fresh flower arrangements.. Normal price, RM150. Hurry. For first 10 couple only.. Book yours, NOW. email to fathinmdnor at gmail dot com.. ** terms and conditions apply. Booking and deposit must be made in November. For December 2011 until 2012 weddings.

Salam berbunga riang,
fathinmdnor at gmail dot com